Listen to Story Ruhi Chaturvedi, a well-known actor from the popular television series Kundali Bhagya, has announced her pregnancy. The actor, who is married to Shivendraa Om Saainiyol, shared the news with fans and followers on social media earlier today, November 11. In a heartfelt post on Instagram, Chaturvedi posted a video showcasing her growing baby bump, with Saainiyol kissing it.
She shared it with the caption, "Our beautiful family is getting a little bigger and a lot more wonderful. 11:11 (sic)." A post shared by Ruhi Chaturvedi (@ruhiiiiiiiiii) Chaturvedi and Saainiyol got married in 2019, in the presence of friends and family.
Since then, they have been regarded as a beloved couple, often sharing glimpses of their personal lives on social media. Chaturvedi is well-known for playing the role of Sherlyn Khurana in Kundali Bhagya..