
Saturday, August 10, 2024 Korea’s tourism industry faces challenges as foreign travelers encounter difficulties with navigation and delivery apps, raising concerns over digital accessibility. International tourists visiting various countries are increasingly frustrated with local navigation, identity verification, and payment systems, despite these nations’ reputations as leaders in technology. As reported by several tourism boards, countries like South Korea have seen a significant rise in foreign visitors this year, with numbers nearly reaching pre-pandemic levels.

However, the experience of these tourists is evolving, and not always in a favorable direction. In many popular destinations, a new trend has emerged where tourists, influenced by local media such as dramas and movies, seek to engage more deeply with the local culture, including ordering delivery food. However, they often encounter significant challenges with local apps and services.

A common issue is the lack of foreign language options and difficulties in accessing clear information, making it nearly impossible for international visitors to navigate these platforms effectively. The identity verification process, which often requires a local phone number or credit card, adds another layer of complexity for tourists. Industry experts are increasingly advocating for the development of “integrated gateway apps” to address these challenges.

These proposed apps would act as a central access point, simplifying the use of local services for tourists. By allowing identity verification and payments to be completed within a single app, tourists could avoid the need to install multiple applications or sign up for various memberships. The integration of local platforms and application programming interfaces (APIs) through public-private partnerships could significantly improve the tourist experience in various countries.

There are growing concerns that some nations risk becoming isolated “tourism Galapagos” if they continue to design digital services that are convenient only for residents. Despite advanced technology and high levels of internet penetration, many countries still have digital services that are primarily tailored to locals, creating barriers for international visitors. The difficulty of using international credit cards on local platforms is a widespread issue that highlights the need for more inclusive payment solutions.

As international tourism continues to rebound, addressing these digital barriers will be crucial in ensuring a seamless and enjoyable experience for travelers across the globe..

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