
How often do you shower ? A new survey has made some surprising revelations about Kiwis’ water usage, showing just over half of us shower daily — some of us up to three times a day. A dermatologist tells the Herald whether that’s really necessary or even good for us — and the environment. For most of us, a daily shower is the standard, whether it’s in the morning to start the day afresh or at night to wash away the stresses of the day before hopping into bed.

The merits of both are hotly debated, but a new survey shows rather than choosing between the two, some of us shower twice or even thrice daily. The research commissioned by Finish was conducted by YouGov from November 29 to December 6, 2022, and again a year later, from December 21 last year to January 11, 2024, of 1000 Kiwis aged 18 and older. The second study included a further 168 young New Zealanders aged 8 to 17.

About 54% of those surveyed said they showered once a day, while 22% of 18-24-year-olds said they showered twice a day, and 10% claimed to shower a staggering three times or more each day..

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