
SENIOR Kinahan cartel member Thomas ‘Bomber’ Kavanagh is set to lose his €1m mansion. Investigators from the National Crime Agency will present their ‘proceeds of crime’ investigation before a UK court in the new year . The case against the kingpin, 56, was taken after he received a 21-year-jail term for running a €36m drug smuggling operation in 2022.

Kavanagh was hit with the weapons charge after he tried to secure a lesser prison sentence for the drugs by offering up the weapons. When he provided the locations of the firearms, the NCA charged him and his brother in law Liam Byrne with firearms offences. Both men pleaded guilty this week and will be sentenced over the smuggling plot next month.

But the move to take Kavanagh’s home in Tamworth, €40,000 in cash and €250,000 worth of jewellery was delayed after he was charged with smuggling firearms. The NCA said how it was their belief that Kavanagh “ran his criminal empire” from the property . Now that he has pleaded guilty to the firearms offences, the focus will now switch to stripping him of his assets in the UK.

One investigator told us: “Thomas Kavanagh wasn’t going anywhere so there was no rush with the proceeds of crime case. “But when he receives his sentence for the firearms next month, attention will switch to his assets. “All of the assets that he obtained through criminality will be identified and targeted.

“Kavanagh thought he could continue his operations in the UK but great cooperation between the Gardai and the NCA has led to his downfall.” At present, Kavanagh remains at the high security Belmarsh prison as he awaits his sentence next month. It’s possible he could be hit with a 20-year sentence, meaning he would be an old man when he walks free.

Although he received a 21-year sentence for his drug smuggling operation, he was set to be released on licence in 2032. We can also reveal that the NCA are still working to add additional sanctions to Kavanagh - classified as Daniel Kinahan’s “equal partner” - for the day that he walks free. Under the Serious Crime Prevention Order, Kavanagh will be hit with travel restrictions, restrictions on the use of communications devices and meetings with criminal associates.

He will also be banned from visiting certain locations and having access to certain financial locations. The sanctions will be in place for five years and if broken Kavanagh will be sent back to prison. Following Wednesday’s guilty pleas, residents in the Dublin 12 told of their relief that Byrne faced a lengthy prison sentence.

One told us: “Liam Byrne and his gang destroyed the Dublin 12 area and ruled through fear. “Byrne might not have got his hands dirty but everyone knew who he was. “There are hundreds of families who were victims of his gang’s intimidation and they will be relieved he’ll be going to prison for a long time.

“He used to have all the best cars outside his home but he’s been left with nothing now.” Since the killing of David Byrne and the Regency Hotel in 2016, the murder victim’s brother Liam faces a lengthy prison sentence, Kavanagh has been caged, his first cousin Freddie Thompson is serving life and another cousin Liam Brannigan also served time. Liam ‘Bop’ Roe and James ‘Jaws’ Byrne have also died.


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