As per usual, Kim Kardashian stunned in a red dress for her annual Christmas photoshoot with her kids; however, despite her red-hot look , it was another Kardashian-West in the photo who had fans talking. Chicago, Kim's third child, whom she welcomed via surrogate in 2018, stole the show at the family photoshoot, looking like the spitting image of her mother in a sweet red dress and matching red cowboy boots. The six-year-old, one of four kids whom Kim shares with her ex-husband Kanye West , flashed the peace sign for the camera along with her siblings and posed up a storm with her mom and sister during the photoshoot.
Kim Kardashian's photo of mini-me daughter Chicago leaves fans distracted by the same thing Kim Kardashian's daughter Chicago steals the show as she reveals singing talent in new video Kim Kardashian's daughter Chicago looks so grown up in new photos from family vacation "Chicago looks like such a sweet little girl!!!" one fan wrote under the photos, while another commented, "Chicagooooooo!!! Is the next top model hunnnnnyyy." "Chicago is baby Kim 1000%," added another fan, while a fourth wrote, "Chicago is a fashion icon." The budding fashionista wore her hair in long braids past her waist and exuded joy and holiday cheer.
However, Chicago was not the only one who brought it for the shoot. North, 11 , rocked a black blazer layered over a white corset-style top, paired with a chic black mini skirt. Her knee-high, fluffy black boots brought a playful touch, whil.