Bollywood actor Kiara Advani’s last release was Sameer Vidwans’ 2023 romantic drama Satyaprem Ki Katha . She won hearts with her powerful performance and sweet onscreen chemistry with heartthrob Kartik Aaryan . Well, Kiara currently has three exciting projects in her kitty but it has been over a year since audiences saw her shine on the silver screen.
However, she has been turning heads with her recent sightings. Just last night, Kiara attended the launch of a luxury beauty brand’s flagship store in the city. She was joined by OG diva Kareena Kapoor Khan as well as Shah Rukh Khan’s actor daughter Suhana Khan.
A post shared by HT City (@htcity) While Kareena opted for a black vintage Yves Saint Laurent outfit, Suhana rocked a royal blue pantsuit looking chic as ever. Kiara, on the other hand, looked ravishing in a red Valentino jacket featuring rose appliqué detail on the cuffs. She was uber stylish as she strutted around with her hair in a messy ponytail, completing the look with a red hot pout.
Kiara looked great! But for some reason, several netizens claimed that she looked very similar to actor Deepika Padukone. Some even accused Kiara of ‘copying’ the Kalki 2898 AD star. A post shared by Instant Bollywood (@instantbollywood) For instance, one social media user claimed, “Y she looks like deepika now a days,” whereas another netizen pointed out: “If you cover her lips she looks exactly like Deepika from forehead.
” A comment read: “Yah Deepika padukon.