
Ken Newbury, a vice president of Congregation Beth Shalom in Traverse City, recently entertained and enlightened adult and child congregants with his performance, G-d is my SUPER POWER. A retired psychologist and educator, Newbury, 70, is now a part-time amateur actor and magician. In his lighthearted one-man show, Newbury weaves religious and philosophical concepts with sleight-of-hand illusions and mindreading feats.

In one skit, he “speaks” directly to God via telephone. Newbury explains that his presentations demonstrate that one’s personal prayers to God can be at times fun, creative and spontaneous. “Your personal prayers can be heard, understood and possibly answered,” he said.

“But you have to have a little bit of faith to get to that point.” Newbury and his wife, Nancy, split their time between Traverse City and suburban Toledo when they’re not visiting their grandchildren in Ann Arbor. Their intent is to give back to the Jewish community — something they’ve done throughout their lives.

For example, Ken has taught confirmation classes and, for four years, he was the principal at the Hebrew Academy in Toledo. Nancy was the longtime director of Jewish Family Service in Toledo. She now serves as technical adviser and all-around supporter for her husband’s latest endeavor.

Newbury, in mime attire, warms up the crowd with music and clapping. Their Traverse City synagogue, Congregation Beth Shalom, was founded in 1885, and its cozy building is the oldest continually operating synagogue in Michigan. Arnie Sleutelberg, rabbi emeritus of Congregation Shir Tikvah in Troy, leads services monthly and on Jewish holidays at the upstate shul.

“We enjoyed Ken’s show very much,” Rabbi Arnie said. “He is funny, affable and entertaining as he shares his magic and mindreading in his one-God, one-man show.” Newbury hopes to bring his hourlong presentation to Metro Detroit and other venues.

He can be contacted at [email protected] ..

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