Air fryers magically turn ordinary food into crispy, juicy snacks or dinners. I make wings, whole chicken , salmon filets and last night's pizza in the countertop cooker. Not all foods taste great when they're subjected to the air fryer's powerful heat.
Some foods are just OK when air-fried, but others will be completely ruined by these compact convection ovens. As tempting as it is to throw all your meals in your miracle machine, I'd recommend another way to cook nice cuts of beef, leafy greens and certain types of seafood. Below, you'll find a list of foods you should never cook in the air fryer.
1. Boneless pork chops Boneless pork chops dry out too easily for an air fryer. A perfectly cooked pork chop is a thing of beauty but these lean cuts of meat can dry out in a hurry.
Bacon, bone-in pork chops and fattier cuts of swine can handle the air fryer but lean, boneless pork chops tend to dry out when subjected to the blast of high heat. If you're going to use the air fryer to cook pork chops, do so at a lower temperature and use some fat to keep things moist. Crisped spinach and kale will not turn out well in an air fryer.
Leafy greens are a big no when it comes to air-fryer cooking. The hot convection air will crisp most leafy greens such as spinach, kale and chard far beyond anything you'd want to eat. Steak cooked in an air fryer may end up tough and rubbery.
Steak reheats well in the air fryer, but it's not a good place for it the first time. Air fryer baskets get hot b.