
Potatoes are a nutritious and ever-present ingredient that can be used to add flavour and texture to many dishes. Previously, experts warned against storing potatoes in the fridge, because reports highlighted the potential health risks of keeping them at low temperatures. The Food Standards Agency explained the particular risk was the formation of Acrylamide, which was originally associated with the risk of developing cancer.

And by storing your potatoes in the fridge, it was said that it could lead to extra sugars forming on your potatoes, which then turned into acrylamide. However, since the FSA have reversed this guidance last year, supermarkets have a chilled symbol on potato bags suggesting customers place them in the fridge when they get home. But for anyone short on space, they can consider a cool dry place instead.

Tesco had some advice: “Potatoes must be kept in a cool dark place, otherwise the light will cause them to photosynthesise and – you guessed it – sprout. “Plus, the temperature must be below 10°C. So, if you want your spuds to stay in tip-top condition, we recommend popping them in a paper bag and stashing them away in a dark place of your choosing: a porch cupboard or garden shed are all great options, and there’s always the fridge (if you’ve got the space).

“Your spuds also need air circulation, so don’t suffocate them in a plastic bag. They’re best kept in a mesh or paper bag. “It’s also crucial that potatoes are stored away from o.

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