
There's finally a way to keep your lettuce from wilting within days of you buying it. It seems like salad weather is well and truly behind us as the UK slips into autumnal wind and rain and says goodbye to the sun. But that doesn't mean we have to fully bid farewell to lettuce.

The leafy vegetable is a welcome addition to a variety of sandwiches, and you can also find it in tacos and burgers. But there's nothing more frustrating than having lettuce that goes mouldy before you get a chance to use it all. We all know the feeling of putting an open packet of lettuce in the fridge only to find it's gone brown and slimy within a couple of days.

Lettuce is arguably one of the fastest vegetables to go off once we bring it home from the supermarket, and if you live by yourself or don't fancy chowing down on leaves for three days straight, it can feel impossible to use it all up in time. Thankfully though, there is one way we can prolong our lettuce's life - by making sure we store it correctly . In a slideshow video shared on TikTok by a woman named Zol , she explained there's a simple trick we can all start using today to make our lettuce last longer, as it only involves using one common kitchen staple to store them.

Zol claimed if you've got a whole lettuce like a little gem or an iceberg, the best way to store it is to take it out of the plastic bag it comes in and wrap it in kitchen foil before placing it in the fridge. Sharing her guide by showing pictures of each step in the pr.

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