
Stop throwing away unused cheese with this handy storage hack . Cheese is a versatile food that most of us have in our fridges. From adding to sandwiches to topping toast and acting as the finishing touch to a delicious pasta dish, cheese can be used in a variety of meals.

Because of its popularity, the dairy product is also sold in rather large blocks at most supermarkets, which can be more cost-effective than buying smaller ones. However, if you live alone or just don't eat that much cheese, it can be tough to get through the mammoth block before it starts developing mould . Thankfully though, there is an easy way to stop your cheese from going mouldy so quickly.

All you have to do is make one simple change to the way you store it. According to a chef on TikTok , you actually shouldn't keep your cheese in the plastic packaging it comes in. That packaging is fine while it's still sealed as it's air-tight, but once you've opened it you should move your cheese to another container.

Kathleen Ashmore shared a video on TikTok in which she said the best thing you can wrap your cheese in is a specific product known as "cheese paper". However, if you don't have this or don't want to spend the money on it, you can use baking paper instead. She said in her video: "I beg of you, please stop keeping your cheese in the plastic from the grocery store.

It's going to get mouldy and you're wasting your money. Once you cut into it the first time, take it out of the plastic. "I use cheese pape.

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