
Much has been made of the so-called grandma shoe: how and have been reclaimed by who have yet to experience the thrill of a garden centre or slipping a £20 note into a young relative’s palm. Less glamour has been afforded to their masculine counterparts (ie, breathable fisherman sandals). was yesterday afternoon photographed strolling through Manhattan in a striped linen shirt, wide-legged jeans, and a pair of these sandals – olive green and well-ventilated – originally designed for Mediterranean anglers in need of a quick-draining shoe.

I would like to wheel them onto a cobbled marina and say, “It is enough, please rest”, and let them bake in the sun like a couple of sun-dried tomatoes. ( .) Consider the fisherman sandal a timeworn alternative to all the Billabong fashions – cord flip-flops, shell necklaces and board shorts – that proliferated , and encouraged to revisit the jelly shoes of their childhoods.

A fisherman sandal represents the ultimate example of luxurious living: cheerful, wine-filled lunches, and leisurely strolls along the shore, turned ..

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