Celebrity fitness instructor Mahesh Ghanekar, who trains celebrities like Kareena Kapoor Khan , Soha Ali Khan, and Suriya, often shares their progress on Instagram. On the weekend, Mahesh posted a clip of Kareena's intense workout routine that shows the actor bringing her workout A-game. Even at 44, the actor slayed the routine and inspired us to be active.
Also Read | Man who dropped from 95 kg to 68 kg shares 3 fat-loss meals that helped him lose 27 kg in 4 months Kareena Kapoor's intense workout routine The celebrity trainer posted Kareena's clip with the caption, “Jumping and punching onto the New Year’s Fitness Game #2025 #newyear #newpost #newwork #newgoals #celebrity,” The video shows the actor doing two different full-body exercises. In the first exercise, she can be seen jumping continuously on one leg with the other balanced on the wall. She kept her spine neutral, her arms near her torso, and repeated the routine while keeping her breath in check.
In the second exercise, Kareena sat down on her yoga mat with her torso and legs lifted up from the ground. Maintaining this position and holding dumbbell weights in both hands, Kareena punched her arms forward. She kept her back in a neutral position during the routine.
A post shared by Mahesh Fitness Club 🇮🇳 (@maheshfitnessclub) How did the internet react? Fans loved Kareena's dedication towards her fitness routine and felt inspired by her intense workout. One wrote, “Queen.” Another commented, “Even a.