
The upcoming action film Karate Kid: Legends will bring together Ralph Macchio and Jackie Chan – the stars of the original 1984 classic The Karate Kid and its 2010 remake, respectively. Starring American Born Chinese's Ben Wang as Li Fong, aka the new Karate Kid, the film is set to be released on May 30, 2025. The first official trailer for Karate Kid: Legends dropped on Tuesday night (Dec 17) and, in true Karate Kid fashion, had an abundance of training and action sequences featuring Wang's character.

The trailer also showed the first meeting between Macchio's Daniel LaRusso and Chan's Mr Han, revealing that the latter knew Mr Miyagi (played by the late Pat Morita), LaRusso's mentor. Han is also aware of the close relationship between LaRusso and Miyagi, saying: "Li is to me what you meant to Sensei Miyagi." Fans have begun to speculate on the exact nature of Han and Miyagi's relationship, with some thinking that Han addressing the latter as "sensei" indicates that the two trained together.

Others recalled a scene in 1986's The Karate Kid Part II in which Miyagi explained that his ancestor drifted to China, learnt martial arts there, and married a Chinese woman – implying that Miyagi and Han could be distant relatives. In an interview with US entertainment outlet EW, Karate Kid: Legends director Jonathan Entwistle said of the potential relationship: "I can say that Mr Han and Mr Miyagi are the connection to Daniel. "The Han family and the Miyagi family are connected all .

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