
faced a lovely problem: too many great choices for VP. She ended the frenzied speculation on Tuesday. , will be her running mate.

And, somewhere, Donald Trump is boring underlings with possible nicknames: The red hats are trying to pretend Ms. Harris screwed up by not going with Josh Shapiro or Mark Kelly. This is projection.

They know it is Dear Leader who screwed up by going with . That hasty decision released a pressure valve for Ms. Harris.

She could have selected a Roomba for VP and that vacuum would crush the robotic Vance in approval ratings. So the race is on. One party is about freedom and the future.

The other wants to turn women’s bodies into crime scenes while choking America with illiberal poison pills in a hostile takeover of democracy. It’s Harris and Walz versus Agent Orange and a bearded garden gnome that keeps saying weird things with all the charisma of a dung beetle. It was Mr.

Walz who first described Trump and Vance as “weird.” This has proven to be effective messaging. Trump doesn’t care if you correctly label him a liar, narcissist, charlatan or grifter.

But he is weirded out when called weird. It’s weird. Trump is flailing against Harris.

It’s why he dipped into his tickle trunk to dust off racist trinkets. His lizard brain sees the world in black-and-white. So it’s impossible to fathom how someone might be Black and Brown when their father is Jamaican and their mother is Indian: In two weeks, Team Trump has gone from thinking it was on a glide path to the White House to imploding mid-air.

And if Trump is struggling to demonize Harris, he is going to stroke out trying to smear the unflappable Walz. With an avuncular vibe and Midwestern charm, Walz is not a coastal elite. He was born in rural Nebraska.

He grew up hunting and fishing. Before entering politics, he was a teacher and football coach. He spent a quarter-century in the National Guard.

He is beloved by both liberals and conservatives for his pragmatic approach. I heard him once explain the hidden benefits of giving students free lunches. This boosted attendance, created a socioeconomic level playing field in the caf and cut down on classroom disruptions.

He was persuasive without being preachy. Walz is a problem solver who knows how to bridge both sides with decency and common sense. He is also a true patriot who wants the best for all compatriots.

Compare this to Trump, a treacherous blowhard who actively cheers against America to score cheap political points. After Joe Biden negotiated a hostage release swap with Russia that involved multilateral alliances and Herculean diplomacy, Trump congratulated ..

. He did not care that unfairly detained Americans were now free. He was enraged that Biden racked up another win.

Trump recently praised Venezuela’s Nicolás Maduro — a thuggish autocrat . Trump is BFFs with Hungary’s Viktor Orban. If Trump had any musical talent, he’d be composing love songs for Kim Jong Un.

Trump sabotaged the strongest bipartisan border bill in decades. Why? He only cares about illegal immigration if it can be weaponized as a campaign cudgel. He scaremongers about crime without mentioning violent crime is at a 50-year low.

He wants the stock market to crash. If an asteroid was hurtling toward Earth, Trump would pray for it to land in the U.S.

just so he could blame the death and destruction on Harris. Trump lies because his cultists slurp up the mendacity. That will change when Walz hits the hustings.

He speaks the of rural America. He has working class bona fides. He appeals to suburban voters who just want good schools and safe streets, and for politicians to not spy on their OBGYN appointments.

Walz completes Harris. He can deftly annihilate Trump without insulting Trump supporters. Listen to Walz discuss .

He is measured and also crystal clear on what this would mean. No more health care. No more retirement benefits.

No more Constitution. No more expertise at government agencies as climate change scientists and airline safety specialists are replaced by Trump loyalists who don’t know a haboob from a helicopter. Kamala Harris didn’t just pick a great VP in Tim Walz — she boosted her odds of winning.

And with that, dear readers, I am signing off for a while. I hope you have a great summer. Have fun.

Stay healthy. Keep laughing at life’s absurdities. I will return after Labour Day.


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