Renowned actor and Makkal Needhi Maiam leader Kamal Haasan has made a heartfelt request, asking his fans, the media, and the film industry to stop using titles like “Ulaganayagan” when referring to him. In a recent statement, Kamal expressed a desire to be simply addressed as “Kamal Haasan,” “Kamal,” or “KH.” In his message, Kamal Haasan acknowledged the love and admiration that brought about titles like “Ulaganayagan” (which means “Universal Hero” in Tamil).
“I have always felt a deep sense of gratitude for the titles bestowed upon me by admirers and respected colleagues,” he noted, adding that the affection and respect he’s received over the years have always humbled him. Yet, he feels it’s time to step away from such titles. Advertisement Reflecting on his journey in cinema, Kamal described himself as a perpetual student of the craft, one who hopes to continue learning and growing.
“Cinema is beyond any one individual,” he explained, emphasizing that filmmaking is a collective endeavor that brings together artists, technicians, and audiences. This, he believes, makes it a unique medium that reflects diverse and evolving human stories. He explained that, in his view, “the artist must not be elevated above the art.
” Kamal shared his intention to remain grounded, constantly striving for improvement. This decision, he noted, is not about rejecting the love behind the titles but rather about staying true to his values. “I prefer to be s.