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Join Us BERLIN — Artist Joshua Serafin is birthing a pantheon of gods embodying the power of pre-colonial, gender-nonconforming identities. From Adriano Pedrosa’s Venice Biennale to Berlin’s House of World Cultures and New York’s Amant Art, the Filipino-born, Brussels-based artist’s performances and video installations have been challenging viewers — and institutions — to confront violence against trans people of color. Works in their series Cosmological Gangbang (2020–ongoing), currently on tour , implore us to locate what the artist names as “spirit” within and around ourselves — a spirit that, for many of us, has been dislodged by the violence of colonization.

For the artist, this impetus to reconnect with home, gender, and our unconscious shadow entails a pertinent process of healing, both individually and in concert with trans kin. Serafin began their practice with drawing during their formative years growing up in the .

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