
Good morning everyone! It’s semi-final time in the G1 Climax as we prepare for Zack Sabre Jr vs Shingo Takagi, and Yota Tsuji vs David Finlay. LET’S GO! Location: Tokyo, Japan Venue: Ryogoku Kokugikan English Commentary: Walker Stewart & Chris Charlton Shoma Kato & Yoshi-Hashi vs Robbie Eagles & Mikey Nicholls Eagles and Kato begin our opening contest, jockeying for control as Eagles kicks him away. Shoulder block from Kato, and he delivers a forearm to Nicholls on the apron.

Dropkick takes Nicholls to the outside as he turns his attention back to Eagles. Nicholls sweeps the legs, allowing TMDK to double team the young lion. Dropkick/sliding lariat combo gets a 2.

Standing dropkick from Kato allows him to tag in Yoshi-Hashi, who hangs Eagles over the top rope and hits the dropkick to the backside. DDT on Nicholls for 2. Eagles in, works over the leg but receives a Headhunter from Yoshi-Hashi.

Kato tags in, arm drag to Eagles, and he looks for the Boston Crab, gets it, and sits down to lock it in hard. Nicholls attacks him to try and break it, but Kato holds on! Yoshi-Hashi heads to the floor with Nicholls, while Eagles manages to turn back over and kick Kato away. Schoolboy gets a 2 for Kato.

Eagles hits the Turbo Backpack for the 1, 2, 3. Winners: Robbie Eagles & Mikey Nicholls Time: 9:23 Rating: ** – Perfectly fine, good fire shown from Kato. Tomoaki Honma & Hirooki Goto vs Jake Lee & Gabe Kidd Kidd and Lee rush Honma and Goto on their entrance, with the implication that Lee and Kidd have been out drinking all night.

Giant Killing knee to Goto while Kidd focuses on Honma. Lee and Kidd both whip Goto into the railings. Honma battles back against Lee in the ring, Lee drives him into Kidd’s outstretched boot.

Bite to the forehead from Kidd, he mocks Honma’s headbutt shtick and misses a headbutt, allowing the tag to Goto. Spinning wheelkick, back suplex, cover on Kidd for 2. Suplex from Kidd as Lee tags in, body slam and the leg drop, another 2.

Goto with a lariat, tags in Honma who gets into a strike exchange. Falling headbutt misses by Honma, and Lee delivers a back suplex for 2. Ushigoroshi connects on Kidd, but Lee is right there to hit the Giant Killing.

Honma with a running headbutt to Lee! Knees to the midsection and the Face Break Shot connects to give Lee the pinfall victory. Winners: Jake Lee & Gabe Kidd Time: 7:41 Rating: **1/2 – Another fine tag contest, which didn’t have much time to get fully going. Jado, El Phantasmo & Shota Umino vs Callum Newman, Jeff Cobb & Konosuke Takeshita Shota and Cobb start this out, and Umino looks for a slam but can’t lift the big man.

Suplex attempt from Cobb, Umino escapes it, and in comes ELP for a little double team, stereo dropkicks to the knees. Train of senton and moonsaults from Umino and ELP, working well together. Pumphandle fallaway slam by Cobb gets a 2, straight into the moonsault for another 2.

And in comes Takeshita to a great reaction. Senton from the middle rope and a lariat turns ELP inside out. Newman tags in but runs into a dropkick.

Umino in, goes for that body slam again on Cobb but still can’t get it...

until he does! Fisherman’s suplex on Newman gets 2. Newman sweeps the legs and nails a double stomp to the back to create some space. Tag to Takeshita, who delivers a flying forearm, although that leg is still bothering him.

Suplex, 1, 2, no. Dropkick from Umino takes Takeshita off his feet. Jado tags in finally, kick to the chest, double shoulder block from Jado and ELP.

Jado looks for the Green Killer, can’t get it though. ELP wants to dive but Jado remonstrates with him. That allows Takeshita to hit the big elbow shot on Jado for the 1, 2, 3.

Winners: Callum Newman, Jeff Cobb & Konosuke Takeshita Time: 8:33 Rating: **3/4 – Decent mix of styles and some fun matchups, like Takeshita mixing it up with Umino. Great to see Takeshita being treated like a star, with fans clearly enamored from his incredible G1 performances. Meanwhile, the dissension between ELP and Jado continues, and cost them here.

Ryusuke Taguchi, Tiger Mask, Boltin Oleg, Toru Yano & Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Yoshinobu Kanemaru, SHO, Yujiro Takahashi, Ren Narita & EVIL Oh boy, I get ALL of House of Torture today? Yay for me, I guess. HoT jump the gun, and all start beating down the NJPW President Tanahashi, who is still in his entrance attire. Takahashi with a boot to the face, but Tanahashi comes back with a springboard crossbody, ring jacket still on! Tiger Mask in, Kanemaru attacks from behind.

Tiger Mask with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on SHO. Taguchi in for some ass attacks, B Triggers to SHO and Kanemaru. Springboard plancha to the floor, Tiger Mask goes for one too but Togo cuts him off.

EVIL drives a chair into the throat of Tanahashi. Kanemaru applies a sleeper to Tiger Mask and tags in EVIL, who immediately goes for the mask. Boot by Narita, rakes the eyes across the ropes.

Tiger Driver delivered to Narita! Tags in Oleg and he goes for the gutwrench but HoT put a stop to that. Out of the corner comes Oleg with double clotheslines to take them out. Flying Body Sausage to Narita gets 2.

Gutwrench train into the gutwrench suplex, and he kips up, with the crowd firmly behind him. Oleg breaks a choke attempt, awkward knee attack from Narita. EVIL and Yano in now, and Yano pulls off the turnbuckle padding.

EVIL gets thrown into it, rolled up for 2. Things are breaking down now, the House of Torture run a train on Yano in the corner and hang him upside down as Togo delivers the Dick Chop, which gets a 2 count. Takahashi has the cane, swing and miss as Tanahashi comes in.

Whisky shot by Kanemaru, double low blow from EVIL to Yano and Tanahashi. Everything Is EVIL delivered to Yano, 1, 2, 3. Winners: Yoshinobu Kanemaru, SHO, Yujiro Takahashi, Ren Narita & EVIL Time: 9:36 Rating: **1/2 – You know what, the House of Torture stuff isn’t nearly as bad when they’re all actually in the match.

Good to see Oleg maintaining momentum from his G1 appearances – he got great reactions from the crowd for his shine. House of Torture continue the assault after the bell, until Shota Umino and ELP run down with chairs to clean house. EVIL asks them if they can really trust the others in the ring.

Taka Michinoku, Taichi & Douki vs Drilla Moloney, Clark Connors & Taiji Ishimori We start off with the Super Juniors as Douki and Ishimori face off. Backspring elbow by Douki, Ishimori with a springboard seated senton, following up with a choke while the referee is distracted. Connors in, snap suplex and a jumping elbow drop gets 2.

Scoop powerslam on Douki and a hard whip into the buckles as Drilla enters the fray. Drilla Killer attempt early, Douki escapes with a dropkick to the face and a spike DDT. Taichi tags in, kicks to the face, heel kick, and now Ishimori enters the ring.

Taichi muscles him to the mat, but receives an enziguri from Moloney. He comes right back with a lariat though. Michinoku and Ishimori in now, Connors boots Taka away, but Taka comes back with a Just Face lock on Ishimori.

One for Connors as well. Shining Wizard, 1, 2, no. Douki in again, lariat to Ishimori, superkick from Taka.

Ripcord La Mistica from Ishimori! Michinoku has to tap. Winners: Drilla Moloney, Clark Connors & Taiji Ishimori Time: 8:03 Rating: **3/4 – Decent action here, especially when the Jr Heavyweights went at it. That Ripcord La Mistica is a thing of beauty too; Ishimori has that perfected.

Bushi, Hiromu Takahashi & Tetsuya Naito vs Francesco Akira, Great-O-Khan & HENARE LIJ vs United Empire in our last multi-man match of the night. Naito mocks O-Khan’s pose as LIJ then touch knuckles, but here come United Empire to attack. Akira stomps down Bushi in the ring, Bushi comes right back with a tijeras.

Naito in, atomic drop, looks for the stalling neckbreaker but O-Khan kicks the legs. Corner lariats and a back elbow from Akira, covers Naito for 2. HENARE in, snapmare takeover and a kick to the spine, followed by the senton for a 2 count.

O-Khan delivers Mongolian chops and then sits on the back of the neck of Naito in the corner. Fireman’s carry takedown gets a 2 count. Naito fights out of a chinlock, misses an enziguri but hits the tornado DDT to create an opening.

Tag to Takahashi who goes straight for HENARE. Tijeras to Akira, dropkick to the face, met with an enziguri from Akira. Shotgun dropkick by Hiromu and he again asks for HENARE, who obliges.

Shoulder blocks from both men, elbows from Takahashi and a snap German suplex! Falcon Arrow! 1, 2, HENARE kicks out. Tijeras attempt is caught, HENARE can’t deliver the powerbomb, but he does catch him with the Berserker bomb on a rebound from the ropes. Native Knee misses, thrust kick and a bomber from Takahashi as HENARE is taken off his feet.

Bushi and O-Khan in now, dropkick to the knee and Bushi follows with a tope suicida to the floor. Akira with a springboard plancha takes out Takahashi. Shot to the gut from HENARE and a Native Knee to Bushi.

1, 2, Naito breaks it up. O-Khan with a kneebar on Naito, the bad knee! HENARE with the Full Nelson locked in on Bushi too, and Bushi taps. Winners: Francesco Akira, Great-O-Khan & HENARE Time: 9:08 Rating: *** – Takahashi going up against the heavyweights just feels right and I’m begging Gedo to bump him into the division as he’s done everything he can already with the Jrs.

Strong finish for United Empire, and again it looks like O-Khan will get the chance to capitalize on his G1 momentum if this is anything to go by. O-Khan doesn’t relent, keeping the hold locked in on Naito. He grabs the IWGP World Title for a moment and ponders how it looks with him.

[G1 Climax 34 B Block Semi-Finals] Yota Tsuji vs David Finlay And here we go! Takeshita has taken a seat at the Japanese commentary desk for this one. Finlay and Tsuji trade forearm shots as the bell rings, and Tsuji backs him into the corner. Finlay turns the tables, whips Tsuji to the opposite corner, but Tsuji comes right back with a shoulder tackle.

Finlay’s left shoulder is still taped up and will likely play a factor here. Body scissors applied by Tsuji, who continues to target the midsection with shoulder thrusts in the corner. Side Russian legsweep from Finlay gets a 2.

He drives the forearm and elbow across the face, backbreaker delivered gets another 2. Finlay looks to humble Tsuji with a Camel Clutch, and Tsuji makes it to the ropes. Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker from Tsuji, and Finlay rolls to the outside to recuperate.

Tsuji takes a run up but Finlay catches him off-guard with a big right hand. Tsuji is driven back-first into the railings as Finlay looks under the ring and pulls out a couple of tables. Both are set up at ringside, Finlay looks for a powerbomb through the tables but Tsuji escapes, only to be driven into the railings again.

Superkick from Tsuji catches Finlay as he steps up to the apron, and this time Tsuji nails the tope suicida! Back in the ring, a tijeras takes Finlay down, followed by a double knee stomach breaker. Finlay manages a rollup for 2, and follows with a quick European uppercut. Northern Irish Curse attempt blocked, Tsuji nails the curb stomp.

He sits Finlay on the top rope, but Finlay pushes him to the apron. They battle on the apron, perilously close to the tables. Tsuji runs up for the curb stomp, Finlay dodges it.

Argentine backbreaker into the ringpost! Back in the ring, the Northern Irish Curse connects for a 2 count. Dominator attempt blocked, Tsuji looks for a rising knee but Finlay catches him and hits a capture backbreaker onto the knee! Dominator again avoided, HOLY SHIT Tsuji catches Finlay in mid-air with a knee to the HEAD! Tsuji again takes him to the top rope, SPANISH FLY! 1, 2, NO. Tsuji picks him right back up for a Falcon Arrow for 2.

Curb stomp! Marlowe Crash is avoided, Finlay tosses him over head into the buckles and hits the Dominator, and now both men are down. Finlay is the first to his feet, but Tsuji with a sunset flip for 2! Dominator towards the outside, but Tsuji with a headscissors evasion. Both men on the apron again, Finlay is thinking powerbomb, but Tsuji with a back body drop to escape it.

Tsuji with a superkick to Finlay against the ringpost, Finlay comes back and powerbombs Tsuji through the tables at ringside. Tsuji makes it back into the ring at 19 but is immediately met with Into Oblivion! 1, 2, NO! Finlay mounts Tsuji and delivers open hand strikes. These become closed fists, so the ref pulls him away.

Tsuji pulls himself to his feet, attempts a lariat but it misses and he falls to the canvas. Powerbomb by Finlay, 1, 2, no. Another one, this time a buckle bomb.

One more powerbomb connects, 1, 2, no! Another two buckle bombs connect, but he’s gone to the well too many times as Tsuji reverses a third with a hurracanrana and hits the Gene Blaster! 1, 2, no. Stomp to the face, and now Tsuji looks for the Marlowe Crash, it connects! 1, 2, Finlay kicks out. Tsuji backs up, goes for the Gene Blaster again, but Finlay with an Inside Cradle! 1, 2, no.

Into Oblivion avoided, Tsuji with a headbutt. Deadbolt Suplex! GENE BLASTER, 1, 2, 3. Winner and advancing to the G1 Climax Finals: Yota Tsuji Time: 28:05 Rating: **** – Engaging from the get-go, and for a near thirty minute match that’s impressive to maintain that.

The table spots were effectively teased throughout, creating early drama, and we built to an all-out closing stretch, throwing bombs. Loved that Tsuji used the Deadbolt Suplex in an ode to his generational rival Uemura, that’s a neat touch. Keep Refreshing For The Latest Results.

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