
The upcoming ABC series promises a boatload of tension-filled moments and several familiar faces as guest stars Expect a slew of familiar faces to pop up as guest stars on 's brand-new medical procedural, premiering Thursday, Sept. 26, stars as Max, a doctor aboard a luxury cruise ship called the Odyssey who navigates “unique medical crises” with the aide of his medical team “miles from shore," according to the synopsis. cast includes , Sean Teale and ; , , , and also appear as guest stars throughout the first season.

The new trailer opens with Jackson’s character examining a female patient while Johnson’s character proudly explains to Soo and Teale that he selected Jackson from a competitive pool of 110 applicants. In another scene, Johnson welcomes Jackson aboard the Odyssey, introducing him to Soo and Teale. Related: Disney “You must be my brilliant nurses,” Jackson says.

“We are the brilliant and capable nurses. Yes.” Soo corrects him, eliciting an apology and a handshake from Jackson.

A sequence of scenes showcase passengers like Stamos, Jackson and Overstreet while Johnson declares via voiceover that the crew’s “mission” is to “preserve the dream.” “And that’s why you’re here,” he adds. The next montage teases the high-stakes medical situations Jackson, Soo and Teale encounter, followed by a tryst between Jackson and Soo.

Related: Pari Dukovic/Disney Afterwards, the two awkwardly ride the elevator in silence before they ask each other whether they want to talk about “what happened.” “No, no, no. I’m good,” Jackson says as Soo quickly replies, “Then great.

Great.” As the trailer offers more glimpses of the opulent experiences the Odyssey offers — including a grand ballroom with a disco ball, and a freewheeling beachside party — Johnson explains that while they’ve “constructed a paradise,” they have to be “prepared for everything.” “It’s your job to keep everyone alive,” Johnson tells Jackson.

Related: Tina Thorpe/Disney “I’m in,” Jackson responds. A passenger tumbles overboard in the next scene, prompting a search led by Jackson. “In life, it’s not a question of when you encounter waves, but when you do when they come up,” Johnson adds through voiceover.

The next scenes hint at several other challenges the Odyssey crew encounters, including a possible collision that has one crewmember hanging on as the ship tilts to the side. “We’re becoming some kind of team, aren’t we?” Jackson asks Soo and Teale rhetorically, before the trailer cuts to the show’s title. premieres Thursday, Sept.

26 at 9 p.m. ET on ABC.

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