
John Abraham and wife Priya Runchal joined a host of celebrities such as Amitabh Bachchan, Rajinikanth, Salman Khan, Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone, Alia Bhatt at Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s pre-wedding festivities in Jamnagar, Gujarat over the weekend. Priya, who rarely posts pictures with John, took to Instagram to document the Ambani extravaganza, and seemingly also gave a glimpse of the villas in Jamnagar, where celebrities stayed during the three-day festivities. A lso read: Step inside fancy venues for Anant Ambani's ₹ 1260 crore pre-wedding festivities with larger-than-life florals all around John Abraham with wife Priya Runchal in Jamnagar.

John Abraham, wife Priya Runchal's pics Sharing sunkissed photos of herself and John Abraham poolside, Priya took to Instagram on Monday. She gave a glimpse of the couple attending an Ambani event together in Jamnagar. Priya and John twinned in ethnic white looks.

She wore a white and golden lehenga outfits, while John was in a kurta look. Hindustan Times - your fastest source for breaking news! Read now. Earlier on Sunday, Priya also posted some pictures from a night function.

She posed solo as well as with John, who was dressed in black. The couple appeared to pose for the camera in a corridor outside their room in Jamnagar, before heading to the Ambani bash. Sharing the pictures, Priya wrote in her Instagram caption, "Stayed up past my bedtime.

.." Earlier, badminton player Saina Nehwal took her Instagram followers .

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