
Immerse yourself in a gripping tale of love and revenge as JioCinema presents Doctors, a medical drama set in the high-stakes world of a prestigious hospital. The trailer is out, and the series, directed by Sahir Raza, showcases an intense storyline with an ensemble cast featuring Sharad Kelkar, Harleen Sethi, Aamir Ali, Viraf Patell, and Vivaan Shah. Releasing on December 27th, Doctors is set to end the year on a dramatic high.

Produced by Jyoti Deshpande (Jio Studios) and Alchemy Films Pvt Ltd, the story follows Dr. Nitiya Vasu, played by Harleen Sethi, a new resident at the Elizabeth Blackwell Medical Centre, who arrives with a secret mission of retribution. Believing that her mentor, neurosurgeon Dr.

Ishaan Ahuja, portrayed by Sharad Kelkar, is responsible for derailing her brother’s career, Nitiya is determined to settle the score. However, as they face the challenges of the high-stakes medical world together, she begins to uncover a side of Ishaan that challenges her convictions—and her heart. Talking about his role, Sharad Kelkar shared, “As an actor, I love taking on new challenges and stepping out of my comfort zone, and Doctors truly provided that opportunity.

Portraying Dr. Ishaan Ahuja has been an exciting and fulfilling experience. He’s a complex character, shaped by his past, yet remains dedicated to his work as a doctor.

I spent hours in workshops with real doctors, which gave me a deeper understanding of their work and the emotional challenges they fac.

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