
! fans are . The trivia game show ended its 40th season on Friday, July 26 with ESL instructor Rachel Bradley beating . She will continue playing when .

The page posted the with a video montage of past contestants, host Ken Jennings and voice announcer Johny Gilbert. Even though the networks has been playing reruns from past episodes of season 40 and Tournament of Champions, it is not enough for Jeopardy! fans. Even though the new season is just a month away, the trivia game show fans are not doing well without their regular programming.

A Reddit user posted: " Why do they need to take a break? Two more weeks of filming would cover the summer!" Others chimmed in, agreeing with the user. One person wrote: "I don’t like how they’re re-airing something that aired so recently, I forget how they usually do it but it’d be cool if they just did a random run from a few years ago so episodes would at least feel a little more new." Another person wrote under the thread: "Agree 100%.

The powers that be love their tournaments. I enjoy the TOC but I would rather have reruns of regular games." A third person wrote: "Worst month of the year.

They pre-tape you'd think they could avoid this drought somehow." While users were coming after the trivia game show with negativity, others defended the show and the crew members. One person wrote: "The Jeopardy crew work incredibly hard all year to make the show.

I do not mind that they get to take a couple of weeks of vacation to rest up for an extremely hectic season." Another wrote: "Lots of shows take summer breaks because TV ratings tank during summer." Pluto TV recently removed Jeopardy! and Wheel of Fortune from the streaming platform.

Viewers at home were upset when they found out and did not get a warning from the streaming service..

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