
hether you believe it or not, it appears we are finally getting closer to a merciful end for and 's marriage. What once seemed like a fairytale when the two got married in 2022 after a burgeoning relationship decades ago, has since turned into pure chaos. Seemingly every day, a new rumor or report comes out about the couple's troubled relationship.

It's come out that the , but there are still details to iron out before the divorce becomes official. Jennifer Lopez wants a big payday from Ben Affleck in divorce Given the two are global icons, this type of legal process tends to drag. According to a recent report from , the financial situation is holding things up: mainly because .

Affleck's net worth is around , while Lopez is sitting at about . She doesn't need the extra money and the two could likely just agree to go their separate ways peacefully, but it's clear that . Everything has been pointing to their eventual split not ending well, and that's exactly what seems to be happening.


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