
As Vijay Kumar’s latest directorial, Bheema, enjoys a successful run in theaters, Jayasurya R Azad, who makes his silver screen debut with the film, is basking in the glow of newfound acclaim. Despite his role having limited screen time, the newcomer is thrilled that his part in the film has garnered significant attention. In Bheema, Jayasurya plays the son of a politician, a character intricately tied to the film’s plot involving a notorious drug peddler.

Reflecting on his role, Jayasurya shared, “My role as the MLA’s son connects with some real-life incidents, adding value to the narrative. The film’s first half makes my role seem empathetic, while the second half seamlessly integrates him into the film’s narrative. Even though I had limited screen time, the response has been overwhelmingly positive.

This debut has opened doors for me and has been a positive step in my acting career.” Looking ahead, Jayasurya is enthusiastic about exploring a range of roles. “I’m open to any character as long as it fits the bill.

Whether it’s an antagonist or a lead role, I’m interested in parts with a strong impact. Today’s cinema values every actor’s contribution, not just the hero or villain,” he explained. In addition to his acting career, Jayasurya is also pursuing his education in law.

He’s already been approached for new roles and is being considered for a part in Raghu Shivamogga’s upcoming project. “I’m excited about the potential opportunities. However, I can confirm my participation once the final cast is set,” he concludes.


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