
Soprano's star Jamie-Lynn Sigler's son Beau , 10, has been released from hospital after a virus turned into a medical emergency leading to a 33-day admission. Sigler, 43 , explained in a social media post "what seemed like a normal virus for our son, turned into a nightmare". She said they believe he is suffering from ADEM (acute disseminated encephalomyelitis) which, according to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society is a rare autoimmune disease marked by a sudden, widespread attack of inflammation in the brain and spinal cord.

READ MORE: '70s rock icon quits tour amid freak health scare "To say this has been hard, is an understatement, and I've never felt more broken. But, I have also never felt more love," she shared. "The way our friends and family have come to our rescue during this terrible time has been one of the most incredible things to experience.

Maybe I could receive it because it wasn't for me, it was and always will be about Beau. The power of love, community and prayer is so real," Sigler continued. READ MORE: Aussie actress to tell all 'after years of shame and secrecy' The actress explained they are "still very much in it" and she has been left "with so many questions and uncertainty.

" ADEM is reportedly similar to Multiple Sclerosis (MS) which Sigler lives with. She shares her experiencing living with the autoimmune disease on the MeSsy podcast with fellow sufferer Christina Applegate. Both ADEM and MS cause damage to the myelin sheath.

For a daily dose of 9honey, subscribe to our newsletter here . "I was held by one of my dearest , Christina, as I decided to share what we've been going through on this weeks @messypodcast , for many reasons," she explained. "As a mother, I needed an outlet.

I needed to get this story out of my head to understand it's not a dream, that's it's real, and I am also just desperate for advice and information." She then asked that if anyone reading the post or listening too the podcast has any experience with ADEM to reach out. READ MORE: Gifts every kind of dad will love for Father's Day "The doctors nurses, and therapists have been INCREDIBLE here, and we have the highest of hopes for our son that he makes a full recovery.

But we also know that whatever life turns into, we have a fucking army around us, and we will be ok," she shared. "Thank you to everyone , you know who you are. I will never be able to repay you for the way you have held us and supported us.

" Sigler ended the post by saying: "And to my husband Cutter, your patience and strength during this has been unparalleled and to our other son Jack, while you are only 6, the way you just 'got it' and turned into a care taker for your brother with each hospital visit reminds me of the beauty in this world. "Thank you for letting me share, even if I'm super 'messy' about it. #adem" FOLLOW US ON WHATSAPP HERE : Stay across all the latest in celebrity, lifestyle and opinion via our WhatsApp channel.

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