
Men’s digital healthcare provider Pilot has unveiled its latest TVC, created in-house and fronted by Olympic swimmer James Magnussen to promote its sexual performance treatment: Go Hard, Come Second . With the Olympics starting tomorrow, Pilot is angling away from the usual gold-touting rhetoric with a cheeky double entendre that suggests sometimes, coming second is best. The ad features Magnussen by the pool, sharing how great it feels to come second.

After a few bedroom references, it becomes clear what the London 2012 silver medalist is talking about. “We’ve been eagerly awaiting a moment worthy of launching our ‘coming second’ concept,” said Pilot’s creative lead, Tom Scarcella. “The beauty of this platform idea is that it can live beyond TV, extending into socials, reactive moments during the games, and maybe even some lounge room couches as Aussie couples celebrate a silver medal together.

” Although the ad has been prohibited from broadcast television by regulators, it was featured on ABC ’s Gruen. “40% of Australian men are at some point experiencing issues in the bedroom,” said Russel Howcroft . “There’s got to be a percentage of those 4 million that are just going to enjoy the commercial, and as a result, they’re going to feel a little bit more relaxed about getting online and getting their hands on Pilot.

” See also: News Corp unites business to form 2024 Olympics team Credits: Tom Scarcella – Creative Lead David Sullivan – Copy / Director Abel Robinson – Integrated Producer Elliot Toms – DOP Aaron Liu – Online/Offline Editor Joanna Go – Design Isobel Stone – Brand Media Julia Herbert – Copy / Socials Josiah Atkins – AC Alan Fraser- Gaffer Richard Hawkings – LX Charles Grey – LX Dante Florez – Sound Recordist Vanessa Timmins – Art Director Andrew Hainsworth – Wardrobe Eliza Sensei – HMUA Max Ravier – Colour James Martell – Sound design and Mix David Quan – Growth Lead Lauren Gates – Lifecycle Marketing Carly Dineen-Griffin – Head of Growth – Top image: James Magnussen.

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