
Around 89% of people think bad teeth make you look older. Dental experts weigh in on how to look after your gnashers as you age As we grow older, our once-sparkling smiles can become href="https://www.nzherald.

co.nz/the-listener/life/diet-or-genetics-why-so-many-nzers-have-crooked-teeth/DT2YLKCXFBAXJGYSA2SSWJKBD4/" target="_blank">the most ageing part of our faces. Discoloured teeth, receding gums and overcrowding – which leads teeth to become crooked – are an instant giveaway of our advancing years, with one survey finding that 89% of people think bad teeth make people look older.

And the problem isn’t merely cosmetic: the chances of experiencing major issues with our teeth and gums increase with age, too. According to the British Society of Periodontology, more than 45% of adults are affected by gum disease. This prevalence rises as we age and can not only lead to infections and tooth loss but also to serious illnesses such as heart disease and Alzheimer’s.

“Many people notice that with age they lose what they regard to be a ‘youthful smile’,” says Dr Sam Jethwa of Bespoke Smile. “It’s vital to protect our teeth and gums with a good oral hygiene routine to prevent this.” Here are the eight best ways to future-proof your teeth.


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