Sardinia is home to one of the world's rare "blue zones" where a greater number of people live to 100 or more. The zone consists of a cluster of villages on the Italian island, which says are inhabited by locals with a rare genetic "quirk" linked to exceptional longevity.
The blue zone areas of Ogliastra, Barbagia di Ollolai and Barbagia of Seulo are home to one of the world's greatest concentrations of people who live to 100 or more. However, according to , it's not just because of "undiluted" genes that some locals live to such a ripe old age, but also because of lifestyle habits.
Sardinian dining tables tend to be heavier on fruit and veg along with whole-grain bread and beans, rather than meat, which is said to be reserved for Sundays and special occasions. Family is also a top priority with "strong" family values ensuring that every member reportedly gets the care they require. Sardinians are also said to benefit from being part of tight-knit communities where older people can pursue lives with purpose.
A life expectancy "bump" might also result from the love, care, and wisdom grandparents give their grandchildren while taking a walk each day helps the heart. Drinking a glass or two of red wine a day is also listed as an advantage, as is goat's milk, which can help protect against inflammatory diseases, according to
Finally, laughing with friends and family also reduces stress, which is said to lower the risk of cardiovascular d.