
he future of the much-anticipated sequel to It Ends With Us, titled It Starts With Us, may be in doubt due to reported tensions between stars . According to a Hollywood insider, ongoing friction between the two could potentially derail plans for the follow-up film. Rumors of a strained relationship between , who portrayed the leads , have circulated online for weeks.

Sources recently revealed that , with some alleging that Baldoni's behavior contributed to this unease. "This is uncharted territory, and nobody has any idea of what a sequel could look like," a source told Variety. "There's probably no world where these two will work together again.

" Uncertain future One incident that drew attention involved due to concerns about a physically demanding scene. This request was interpreted by Lively as "fat-shaming," leading to further discomfort. Additionally, tensions reportedly escalated over creative differences.

, who also served as a producer on the film, allegedly made changes to the script and wardrobe without involving or his team, which contributed to the growing divide. It has also been reported that , particularly when . Despite these issues, 's production company, Wayfarer Studios, owns the cinematic rights to It Starts With Us, meaning he could still play a role in the sequel.

However, given the reported tensions, there is speculation that . Representatives for have not commented on the situation, but the lack of joint appearances by during the film's promotional events suggests that the relationship between the two remains strained, casting doubt on whether they will reunite for the sequel..

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