
In 800 BC there was immense corruption in Israel. That country, which was born of God through Abraham, Isaac, and the prophets and elders such as Moses, Elijah, and Jeremiah. Israel was so beautiful, so powerful, so just, and merciful but became corrupt and desired expansion in neighbouring lands and precious treasures of gold, silver and diamonds.

There was the old king Uzziah who worshipped the one true God, Yahweh. He taught moderation, goodness and kindness, justice and charity for all the nation. He prospered while taking care to help the poor of the nation.

The old king Uzziah died pronouncing to his son in the royal court that they must not become selfish and seek to expand by warring against and conquering the neighbouring countries. The prophet Isaiah strongly recommended that Israel remain peaceful and be of help to other nations if they developed their people in kindness and justice. Ahaz wanted war, he wanted the land of other nations.

Money! Money! Money! Me! Me! Me! For me, myself and I! There was never enough money and power for the young king, like so many rich and powerful people in our times. The old king, the young king, good against evil; the old generation against the new generation. The rich exploiting the poor.

The production Isaiah dramatically portrays in the first-ever Jamaican operatic production in reggae style music, how love and truth overcome selfishness and lies. It is beautifully performed with dance, acting, and music. It will warm and satisfy your heart.

The prophet Isaiah is a biblical story of justice and truth. After the death of the old king, Isaiah tells Ahaz that he must follow the policies of Uzziah. Let there be love and justice for the poorer people and a righteous way of treating everyone.

Isaiah wants a world of kindness and love, the young king, on the other hand, desires power and total self-indulgence. Isaiah is stern in warning Ahaz that destruction may befall him and the nation. “It is your crime that separates you from your God.

It is your sin that makes Him hide His face so that He may not hear you. For your hand is stained with blood; your fingers with guilt. Your lips speak falsehood and your tongue utters deceit.

No one brings suit justly, no one pleads truthfully. They trust in emptiness and tell lies; they conceive mischief and bring forth malice.” — Isaiah 59:2-4.

For their truth, the prophet Isaiah and his daughter suffer a most violent death. Isaiah’s daughter is offered as a sacrifice to Baal the pagan god and stabbed to death. Isaiah is sawn in two.

In his suffering the prophet never gave up his integrity and his love for Anawin. He remains truthful to the end. In the production Isaiah , I try to use the arts; music, singing, dance, costumes, acting to deliver the word of God in a new way.

Evangelisation requires that eternal battle between the spiritual principles, God and Satan, selfishness and self-sacrifice, power and pride between violence and love, love and death. The victory of God over Satan is inevitable. How do we bring forth these spiritual principles in the visual arts? “Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; Then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard.

Then you will call, and the LORD will answer; You will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I. The Lord will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring.

Some of you will rebuild the deserted ruins of your cities. Then you will be known as a rebuilder of walls and a restorer of homes.” — Isaiah 58:8-12 Call 876-550-8987 or emailed us at fhfriendsmusic@gmail.


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