
is all about turning matchmaking into a fun, memorable experience. At the event, you'll be pitching your single friend to a room full of potential dates — style! All your single friend needs to do is show up with a smile and their killer personality. Who knows? Their love story could kick off with your pitch.

:P Plus, there's a . At the last event, the winning duo snagged two tickets to Velvet Cinema, GSC's luxury experience. To make things easier, the singles mixer features placed around the room to spark conversations.

These cards are designed to prompt meaningful discussions and break the ice. Held at , a cosy cocktail bar in Desa Sri Hartamas, the event sold out all 50 slots. According to feedback, 90% of participants said they'd recommend Date My Mate to a friend, and many continued their conversations well after the event ended.

So, thanks to popular demand, Date My Mate is back this September. "As long as there's demand, we'll keep bringing these events to the single community. "We think the concept stands out because, unlike typical singles mixers where everyone's a stranger, this event gives participants an insider's view.

From watching the pitches, attendees already have a sense of who they might want to connect with," the matchmaking platform shared with SAYS. Includes food and beverages for both you and your single friend. Perfect for those who want to enjoy the event as part of the audience.

Both tickets include entry to the singles mixer at the end of the night..

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