
There’s life before being a small business owner, and life afterwards. Before I owned a cafe, I was just like most people, outraged by rising coffee prices, weekend surcharges and making my own avocado toast at home. Like any industry, once you’re in it, your whole perception of that world changes.

Suddenly, you understand the costs, the pressures, the reality of what it takes to keep the wheels turning. This week, an article came up in my feed titled “ we should all be paying more for our coffee, or the days of independent cafes will be gone ” . It was a welcome change to the usual coverage we get about our coffee habits, like millionaires calling workers “idiots” for buying a daily coffee .

The article highlights the fact that on a global scale, Australian coffee prices are much cheaper . In London, average coffee prices have surpassed £5 (AU$9.92), due to spiralling costs and an affected coffee harvest.

In New York, it’s about the same at US$6.50 (AU$9.91).

I “gently” shared the article to our 18,000 Instagram followers, in the hope that it would either educate those not in the know or inspire some compassion. It also, unsurprisingly, inspired some debate. A post shared by Two Franks (@twofrankscoburg) Cafes seem to bear the brunt of financial criticism – it’s always your daily coffee keeping you from buying a house, not big businesses like banks, insurance and energy achieving record profits at the expense of everyday Australians.

We’ve all been h.

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