
You've loaded up on goodies while at a family gathering, and you suddenly feel chest pains. Is it heartburn or something worse? Being able to tell the difference between indigestion and cardiovascular trouble might save your life, said Dr. Maya Balakrishnan , an associate professor of gastroenterology at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.

Unfortunately, the chances of experiencing either condition increases with age. "As we get older, the muscles that control the esophagus weaken, which is why there is an increased risk of stomach acid reflux going into the esophagus," Balakrishnan noted in a Baylor news release. "Likewise, as we age, we get an increased risk of cardiovascular disease because of the risk of factors like high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes that increase.

" How can you decipher your symptoms? Balakrishnan offered a primer on each condition. First, heartburn . Largely considered a gastrointestinal issue, it tends to strike after people eat a lot and stomach acids back up into the esophagus.

That can cause a burning sensation in the chest or a metallic or acidic taste in the mouth. "It's typically related to what people are eating or caused when people lie down quickly after eating," Balakrishnan said. In addition to large meals, the main drivers of heartburn during the holidays can include: "To prevent heartburn, good practices are to be aware of trigger foods, eat smaller meals, take a walk after you eat and generally stay upright for at least.

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