
What a week! Donald Trump’s return as US President means the world’s tectonic plates have well and truly shifted. A butterfly has flapped its wings and inevitably ripples will be felt in London. We’re already seeing it in our boardrooms, as corporates wave goodbye to woke by slashing their ESG targets — see Chris Blackhurst ’s brilliant piece to read more.

As Matthew d’Ancona argues in his column, “ceremony reveals where power truly lies” — and no one at the inauguration was more prominent than the tech barons , who seem to be rapidly forming an oligopoly, not just because of their financial prowess, but also their staggering influence. And if all of this makes you want to bury your head in the sand on a very beautiful beach somewhere very far away, then have we got a treat for you. Whether it’s an ayahuasca retreat in Costa Rica or a Viking expedition in Greenland, we have the ultimate guide to how to holiday now.

Elsewhere, we talk about the new drug London’s yummy mummies can’t get enough of (it’s in a little brown bottle) and it’s five stars for Oliver! in the West End . I hope you enjoy — let me know what you think @annavanpraagh The London Standard is available for free pick-up across the city from Thursday to Monday or you can read the digital edition online ..

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