
has become a household name over the past two decades. After making a name for herself on Sky's Breakfast programme, the journalist joined ITV's as one of its main hosts in 2014. Since then, she's landed a Sunday evening slot on Classic FM and even appeared as a celebrity contestant on the 15th season of .

Charlotte boasts an impressive broadcasting career, but what about her life away from the cameras? Find out all about her family here, including her husband of 15 years and her "miracle" daughter...

When she's not on our TV screens or in our ears on Classic FM, Charlotte can be found at home with her husband, Mark Herbert and their daughter Ella. The couple, who met in 2003, tied the knot in a private ceremony held at Chichester Cathedral in 2008. In August 2014, Charlotte announced that she and Mark were expecting their first baby.

Opening up about her pregnancy journey during an , the journalist revealed that she and her husband had considered undergoing IVF before falling pregnant. "It took a long while for it to sink in that I was pregnant because we'd been trying for quite some time – years, in fact," she told us. " We'd actually just gone through the paperwork to go down the IVF route as we thought it might be the only option left for us – and even now there's a big part of me that won't quite believe it until I have my baby safely in my arms.

" You may also like Sadly, Charlotte's father Frank passed away just a month before Ella Rose was born. Explaining how she delayed her grief during her pregnancy, the TV star told : "I went back to work four months after having Ella-Rose. I kind of needed that structure back in my life, but emotionally I was still kind of all over the place, as "I wanted to be all happy and smiley for her, and when I was pregnant, and my Dad had died, I didn't want to her to feel that sadness, so I tried to postpone it – but of course that was always going to come back at some point!" Charlotte explained.

When Ella Rose arrived in February 2015, it was an emotional day for both Charlotte and Mark. "We both had tears in our eyes when they placed Ella Rose on my chest after the birth," Charlotte after welcoming her daughter. " .

All of a sudden, this tiny being that you've been carrying around for nine months is there with you. It's a very moving experience. "From our point of view, she was a miracle baby, one that we had wanted for such a long time," she added.

Charlotte and her family have a beautiful home in idyllic Surrey. Speaking about her love of the area, Charlotte previously said: " , and yet you're surrounded by leafiness and stunning scenery. "There is so much going on with cosy county pubs and fine dining restaurants, yet the peace and tranquillity is right there when you need it," she told .

When it comes to balancing her home life with work, Charlotte said that while she "throws herself" into both, protecting family time is important. "For us it's about protecting our weekend family time as much as we can, and if we are doing things at different times of the day, and we're happy with the set up," said the 49-year-old. "I think you just have to try your best and plan everything with military precision really.


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