
Expert driven. Evidence-Based. Actionable Health Guidance.

Our A a concerning connection between living alone and increased feelings of depression. The CDC analyzed data from the 2021 National Health Interview Survey. The findings of the survey are very much relevant for residents of Dutchess County, where changing lifestyles and living arrangements are impacting mental health.

Living alone doesn't automatically lead to depression--but it may increase your risk of depression. And, of course, this, also increases your risk for a host of mental and physical that result from depression. Conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and even immune system dysfunction are known to rise dramatically in people who are experiencing loneliness.

By understanding this connection, residents of Dutchess County should take proactive steps to maintain strong social connections and prioritize their mental well-being. This applies to everybody in New York and beyond. Some important data for you: Want more personalized health insights from top doctors? Our offers the following advice: Dr.

Lindsay Boik-Price, Emergency Medicine, kicks things off: "Let's start with the basics. Make an effort to regularly connect with friends, family, or community groups." She leans in, adding, "There's a whole lot of data out there that shows that being lonely can increase high risk behaviors; and, often times, these people end up in the ER.

" of you in Dutchess County . Nodding in agreement, Dr. Adriana Davis, Family Medicine Physician, chimes in: "Absolutely, Lindsay.

And let's not forget the importance of physical health. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep are crucial for mental well-being. I urge all my patients to take charge of their health proactively.

Don't wait for symptoms to appear--schedule regular check-ups with your doctor. It's crucial to know your key health indicators: your A1c levels, cholesterol numbers, and blood pressure readings. By staying informed and taking preventative measures now, you can potentially lower your risk of developing serious conditions like dementia in the future.

Remember, early action is your best defense in maintaining long-term health. For the seniors out there, the Silver Sneakers program is a great way to be social and physically involved with your community." ( ) Take advantage of Dutchess County's parks and recreation facilities to stay active! Dr.

Puja Uppal, Family Medicine, picks up the thread: "These are great points. I'd like to emphasize the importance of seeking professional help if needed." Her tone becomes serious as she continues, "If you're experiencing persistent feelings of sadness or loneliness, don't hesitate to reach out to a mental health professional.

Here's a . It's a mental health screen. Take the test, and discuss the results with your healthcare team.

" Dr. Puja Uppal, Family Medicine Physician, and a doggo mom, nods and offers a final suggestion: "For those who are able, consider a pet companion." Her eyes light up as she elaborates, "Pets can provide wonderful companionship and emotional support.

As you may already know, your Dutchess County animal shelter has many animals looking for loving homes." Read our article: While living alone may increase the risk of depression, you can take steps to maintain good mental health. By actively taking part in social connections, prioritizing self-care, and seeking support when needed, Dutchess County residents can protect their mental well-being, regardless of their living situation.

at the CDC's website. there were from in New York in 2021? of you in Dutchess County have of you in Dutchess County of you in Dutchess County of you in Dutchess County The health data above directly impact your physical well-being and are crucial in determining your overall health outcomes..

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