
Saturday, August 17, 2024 The ongoing instability in Bangladesh could lead to a 10-15 percent decrease in its medical tourists visiting India in 2024, according to CareEdge Ratings. Bangladesh contributes to 50-60 percent of India’s medical tourism sector. Due to the unrest, numerous travelers have either canceled or delayed their trips.

India’s appeal as a global hub for medical tourism is driven by its affordable treatment costs and exceptional quality of care. Bangladesh plays a significant role in India’s medical tourism industry, but the current instability in the country could result in a notable decrease in visitor numbers. According to CareEdge Ratings, if the unrest continues, the number of medical tourists from Bangladesh could drop by 10-15 percent in 2024.

Typically, Bangladesh contributes to 50-60 percent of India’s total international medical tourism. This substantial share highlights the importance of Bangladesh as a key source of medical tourists, and any decline in footfalls could have a significant impact on the industry. In a recent report, the rating agency highlights that a significant portion of medical tourists from Bangladesh and the Middle East have either canceled or delayed their planned visits to India.

This trend is concerning, given the critical role these regions play in driving India’s medical tourism sector. The ongoing instability in Bangladesh, in particular, is causing apprehension among travelers who might otherwise seek India’s renowned healthcare services. India’s healthcare system has gained international acclaim for its rapid growth, which is fueled by several key factors.

Among these are the country’s competitive treatment costs, which make it an attractive destination for those seeking affordable healthcare without compromising on quality. Additionally, India’s medical facilities and services are of high standard, and the relatively short waiting times for treatment further enhance its appeal to medical tourists from around the world. Globally, India is recognized as one of the top 10 destinations for medical tourism, a reputation that has been steadily rising over the years.

The country is especially favored by patients from South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, regions where India’s combination of quality care and affordability resonates strongly. The diverse and advanced medical services available in India continue to draw patients seeking specialized treatments that may not be as accessible or affordable in their home countries. The report emphasizes that nearly 70-80 percent of medical tourists arriving in India hail from Bangladesh and Middle Eastern countries.

This demographic’s significant presence underscores the importance of these regions in sustaining India’s medical tourism industry. However, the current geopolitical and social unrest in Bangladesh could potentially disrupt this influx, posing a challenge to the sector’s growth and stability in the near future. According to the rating agency, one of the primary factors fueling this trend is the cultural and linguistic affinity between the countries, along with the availability of high-quality treatment at competitive rates and access to cutting-edge medical facilities.

Among neighboring nations, Bangladesh emerges as the top contributor to India’s medical tourism, outpacing other countries such as the Middle East, Myanmar, the Maldives, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan. CareEdge estimates that international medical tourism to India surged by about 33 percent year-on-year in 2023. While the expected decline in visitors from Bangladesh may pose challenges, CareEdge Ratings predicts that the sector will experience only a minimal impact, as a gradual return to normalcy is anticipated by the end of 2024.

Despite some growth in medical tourism in 2021 following the severe disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the sector faced limitations due to ongoing travel restrictions in parts of that year. However, 2022 marked a strong recovery, with medical tourism nearly reaching pre-pandemic levels, a trend that continued robustly into 2023. India’s strategic move to extend the e-medical visa facility to citizens from numerous countries is likely to further strengthen the sector, driving growth in the coming years.


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