
In today’s digital world, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. From sharing updates with friends to following influencers and brands, it shapes many aspects of how we think and act. But, as Dr.

Somdip Dey, an MIT Innovator Under 35 in AI & Robotics , a Lecturer in Data Science at York St John University, UK , and a Professor of Practice (AI/ML) and Danah Zohar Chair Professor of Quantum Philosophy at Woxsen University , points out in his TEDx talk titled “Is social media the reason you’re broke?” , this digital influence often comes at a high price—financially and mentally. Dr. Dey, who is also the Cofounder, CEO, and Chief Scientist of Nosh Technologies , a company recognized for pioneering AI-driven food waste reduction, draws from his own eye-opening personal experience in his talk.

He reveals how, over the last decade, he spent more than Rs 5.00 crores (over £500,000) on luxury goods—including high-end cars and designer clothes—under the influence of social media. In this shocking narrative, Dey uncovers the unseen forces driving compulsive spending, despite seemingly successful careers and large incomes.

“The digital world is full of curated images that make us feel we need to keep up with a certain lifestyle. I got caught in this cycle myself, buying items that, in hindsight, didn’t contribute to my well-being or happiness,” Dey commented. “Now, I want to use this platform to help others recognize these traps and break free.

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