Wednesday, November 6, 2024 Indian Railways is gearing up to introduce a groundbreaking ‘Super App’ by year’s end, designed to unify numerous railway services within a single, user-friendly platform. Created by the Centre for Railway Information Systems (CRIS), this comprehensive app is set to transform passenger experience by consolidating a range of services and features that are currently distributed across various applications. This initiative promises to streamline access and enhance convenience for millions of travelers.
Features of the Upcoming Super App With the introduction of the new Super App, users will have the ability to: The app will seamlessly connect with current IRCTC systems, providing a cohesive experience designed to improve user convenience while increasing railway revenue. It replaces the need for multiple separate apps, such as Rail Connect for booking tickets, UTS for unreserved tickets, e-Catering’s Food on Track, Rail Madad for complaints, and the National Train Inquiry System for live train tracking. Now, all these functions will be available within one unified platform.