Thursday, January 2, 2025 India faced its hottest year on record in 2024, with the annual mean temperature rising more than 0.65°C above the long-term average, according to the India Meteorological Department (IMD). The intense heatwaves, exacerbated by climate change, affected vast swathes of the country, impacting public health, travel patterns, and tourism activities.
From record-breaking temperatures in New Delhi to prolonged heat spells across 37 cities, the rising mercury underscored the urgent need to address climate resilience in India’s tourism and urban sectors. This report explores the impact of the 2024 heatwave on India’s tourism industry, public health, and urban planning, highlighting the challenges and opportunities for adaptation in a rapidly warming world. Record-Breaking Temperatures The IMD reported that India’s annual mean temperature in 2024 surpassed all previous records, making it the hottest year since data collection began in 1901.
Key highlights include: Impact on Travel and Tourism India’s tourism sector faced considerable challenges due to the extreme heat. Key impacts include: Public Health Crisis The intense heatwave had devastating consequences for public health: Hospitals across the country experienced a surge in admissions, with cases of hyperthermia and heat-related injuries dominating emergency departments. One case involved a patient admitted with a body temperature of 41°C, requiring immediate cooling interventions.
Urban Heat I.