
ABOUT 48 hours ago, Christian adherents the world over celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ. The breeze of the joyful season splashed on our mortal bodies. I was in my hometown of Imesi-Ile joining friends and family in celebration.

The season of Christmas is a season of gift-giving and a season during which people are more eager than usual to give to others. This includes not just family, friends, colleagues and well-wishers, strangers must not also be left out. Gift-giving, my friend, is an act of kindness, and its benefits are greater than most people recognise.

On Christmas day, I gave to people, and people gave to me in return. God has configured every human being as a giving being. Your most miserly and frugal friend and family member is a giving being.

A man who hates to give to people in the pigeonhole of struggles and hardship will somehow be forced to give something to somebody. When he gets sick, he must give to caregivers to be made whole. In the throes of hunger, he must give to human hands that will help make food available.

If he wants to avoid homelessness, he must give to landlords to tower roof over his head. Moving from point A to point B, people must be given to him to help him move around. If he is cornered by men of the underworld, he will give all he has to stronger men who covet his possession.

God loves a cheerful giver. Those who hate to give voluntarily and cheerfully will be forced to give somehow at a point. Every human being is a giving being.


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