
Close to 60 people turned up at Changi Airport to welcome the kitefoiler and sailor Ryan Lo. Caleb Tan being carried on Olympic bronze medallist Maximilian Maeder’s shoulders on Aug 13, 2024. The six-year-old boy had turned up at Changi Airport Terminal 3 with a self-made poster that read “I skipped school to see Max Maeder”.

Singapore’s Olympic bronze medallist Maximilian Maeder returning home to a hero’s welcome at Changi Airport on Aug 13, 2024. Olympic bronze medallist Maximilian Maeder getting a hug from his grandfather Teng Lay An, 83, at Changi Airport on Aug 13, 2024. Olympic bronze medallist Maximilian Maeder taking a wefie with supporters who had turned up to welcome him at the airport.

Singapore’s Olympic bronze medallist Maximilian Maeder gamely posing for photos with a pair of eye frames gifted to him by young fans. Singapore’s Olympic bronze medallist Maximilian Maeder signing autographs for young fans. Kitefoiler Maximilian Maeder chatting with Ashton.

The seven-year-old boy, together with his mother and siblings, was at the airport to welcome the Olympic bronze medallist home. School of the Arts student Tesslyn Tan, 17, taking a wefie with Maximilian Maeder at the airport. Ms Tan received an autograph from the Olympian and also gave him a handwritten letter.

Singaporean sailor Ryan Lo, 27, who competed in the men’s dinghy event at the Paris Olympics, arriving at Changi Airport on Aug 13, 2024. Olympic bronze medallist Maximilian Maeder receiving a welcome hug from his grandmother Tan Ah Moy, 80. Next to the kitefoiler is his grandfather Teng Lay An, 83.

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