
Sovereign Grand Master Rev William Anderson said it was a tradition that members of Lurgan RBDC No 2 travelled to Bangor for their annual parade. “The Bangor parade complements the institution’s July 13 celebrations at Scarva and is a day for all the family to enjoy,” he said. Sir Knight Andrew Hamill, Worshipful District Master of Lurgan District No 2, has been a member of RBP 353 for around 20 years.

He said a combination of tradition and a family day out made the Bangor event very successful over the years. Spotting a friend during the parade in Bangor on Saturday. Photo: Stephen Davison / Pacemaker Spotting a friend during the Lurgan Royal Black District Chapter No 2 parade in Bangor, Co.

Down. Photo: Stephen Davison / Pacemaker Members of the Royal Black District No. 13 on the march during the parade in Bangor.

Photo: Stephen Davison / Pacemaker Sporting an alternative to the bowler hat during the Lurgan Royal Black District Chapter No 2 parade in Bangor, Co. Down. Photo: Stephen Davison / Pacemaker.

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