
Maud Steele, Chairperson of the Flower Show Committee, welcomed exhibitors and visitors to the ‘new look’ show in First Kilrea Church Hall and thanked the judges who had given their time to assess all the exhibits, and everyone who had contributed in any way to make the Show such a success. The 2024 Show was scaled back to 23 classes, but nevertheless almost 200 exhibits were on display. Maud thanked the Rev Dr McCormick and the Kirk Session of First Kilrea Church for kindly allowing the Hall and excellent facilities to be used.

She paid tribute to two former stalwarts of Kilrea Flower Show, who are deeply missed by all WI members and the community: Mrs Margaret Bamford who served faithfully as Chairperson for 20 years and as a committee member for 35 years and Mrs Hazel McComb who served on committee for 30 years and was widely recognised for her beautiful craftwork and for the inspiration she instilled in so many. Jennifer Gardiner then presented the Hazel McComb Memorial Cup to the Flower Show in memory of her mother. Maud introduced her daughter Miss Linda Steele, High Sheriff of Co.

Londonderry, as the guest to open the Show. Linda gave a short history of the origins of the Women’s Institute movement in Canada in 1897 and how the first Institute in Northern Ireland was formed in 1932 in Garvagh, and in 1937 in Kilrea. Linda fondly remembered entering exhibits as a child and over recent years as a teacher in Kilrea PS encouraging pupils to have a go! All profits from Kilrea Flower Show will go to the Macmillan Unit at Antrim Area Hospital.

FLOWER SECTION: (Judge – Dr Derrick Turbitt): Vase of Flowers from your garden: 1. Doreen Campbell, 2. (tie) Doreen Campbell, Joyce McLenaghan.

Hydrangea 3 stems: 1. Prim McCaw, 2. (tie) Joyce McLenaghan, Jean McKay.

Pot Plant Flowering: 1. Margaret Lyle, 2. (tie) Diane Rowe, Sharon Crockett.

Planter: 1. Doreen Campbell, 2. (tie) Sharon Crockett, Sharon Crockett.

The MRS MARY BOYD CUP for BEST EXHIBIT in Flower Section: Doreen Campbell (Class 1). VEGETABLE SECTION: (Judge – Dr Derrick Turbitt) Garden Medley – tray of mixed vegetables, 3 varieties, home grown: 1. Roy Moon, 2.

(tie) Roy Moon, Kenneth Bacon. The MURPHY CUP for BEST EXHIBIT in Vegetable Section: Roy Moon. DECORATIVE SECTION: (Judge – Mr James Burnside) Miniature, not exceeding 10cm in any way: 1.

Sharon Moon, 2. Elizabeth Connor. Exhibit depicting ‘Festival Time’: 1.

Sandra Gamble. Exhibit in a mug: 1. Joan Moore, 2.

Sandra Gamble. The MAUD MCKEEMAN MEMORIAL CUP for BEST EXHIBIT in Decorative Section: Sandra Gamble (Class 7). HOME BAKING SECTION: (Judge – Mrs Helen Laughlin) Chocolate Sandwich cake – filled not iced: 1.

Doreen Campbell, 2. Etta Lytle. Oven Wheaten Bread: 1.

Betty Holmes, 2. Doreen Campbell. Traditional Shortbread, 5 wedges: 1.

Sandra Taylor, 2. Etta Lytle. The CORONATION CUP for BEST EXHIBIT in Home Baking Section : Sandra Taylor (Class 11).

PRESERVES SECTION: (Judge – Mrs Helen Laughlin) Pot of strawberry jam: 1. Tee Cunningham, 2. Doreen Campbell.

Pot of marmalade: 1. Lynda Brooks, 2. Phyllis Scott.

Pot of chutney, any variety, cooked: 1. Kathleen Mayberry, 2. Lynda Brooks.

The RED HOUSE CUP for BEST EXHIBIT in Preserves Section: Tee Cunningham (Class 12). HOME INDUSTRIES SECTION: (Judge – Mrs Anne Kirkwood) Needle felting, any item: 1. Pearl Hutchinson, 2.

Pearl Hutchinson. Cushion: 1. Tanya Everett, 2.

Tanya Everett. Handknitting, any item: 1. Flo Gregg, 2.

(tie) Joanne Campbell, Joanne Campbell, Joanne Campbell. The HAZEL MCCOMB MEMORIAL CUP for BEST EXHIBIT in Home Industries Section: Pearl Hutchinson (Class 15) CHILDREN’S SECTION: (Judge – Mrs Audrey Paul) Drawing or painting of a Fairy Tale KS1: 1. (tie) Emily Gordon, Emily Gordon (Kilrea PS) , 2.

Emily Gordon (Kilrea PS). Drawing or painting of a Fairy Tale KS2: 1. Rachel Boyd (Kilrea PS), 2.

(tie) Isis Cassidy. (Kilrea PS), Annie Dowds (St Columba’s PS). Creature made from fruit/veg: 1.

Matthew Kielt (St Columba’s PS), 2. Jessica Black (Maghaberry). Decorated Stone: 1.

Astraea Cassidy (Kilrea PS), 2. (tie) Faye Wallace, Mya Telford. Wild Flowers in a jam jar: 1.

Jessica Black (Maghaberry), 2. (tie) Lydia Lamont (Kilrea PS), Lucy McCombe (Kilrea PS). The WYNGATE CUP for highest points in Children’s Section : Emily Gordon.

The MINIATURE CUP for second highest points: Jessica Black. The NORTHERN BANK CUP for the school with the highest number of points in Children’s Section: Kilrea PS. SHOWSTOPPER COMPETITION: (Judge – Mrs Helen Laughlin) Novelty Cake, ‘Fairy Tale’ theme, judged on decoration only: 1.

Sandra Gamble. The COMMITTEE CUP for BEST EXHIBIT in Showstopper Competition: Sandra Gamble. The MILDA BOLTON MEMORIAL CUP for exhibitor gaining highest overall points in the Show: Doreen Campbell (Garvagh WI).

The MAUD S. REA CUP for the Kilrea WI member gaining highest number of points in the Show: Sandra Gamble. Emily Gordon with her prize winning entries in the Children's section.

Photo: KILREA FLOWER SHOW Prize winners with Guest Linda Steele. Photo: KILREA FLOWER SHOW Margaret Caldwell and Emily McEldowney, stewards at the Home Industries Section. Photo: KILREA FLOWER SHOW Ivan Bolton and Maud Steele enjoy a cuppa and a chat.


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