
Heart disease is an extremely serious health condition and a leading cause of death and disability across the world. According to studies, at least one out of every five deaths results from heart issues like heart attacks and strokes. While a few things about your cardiovascular health are completely in your control—like your lifestyle, which includes diet and workouts—you can manage.

However, you cannot do anything about your age and family history other than following a heart-healthy life and dedicatedly monitoring your health. Here are a few easy ways you can prevent or lower the risk of heart disease if there is a history in your family. Know the health risks in your familyRelated News | Experiencing an urgent need to poop all the time? Beware, this could be a sign of THIS heart ailmentHave A Family History Of Heart Diseases? Make Sure You Do THESE Things To Stay ProtectedAccording to experts, many kinds of heart diseases happen due to your genes and can be inherited down through families: Certain arrhythmias Certain cardiomyopathies, like hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia,Familial hypercholesterolemia And so, it is important to know everything about your family’s health history and share it with your doctor.

Be sure to check with family members about those who passed away suddenly, including from things like car accidents or drowning, which can be related to sudden cardiac death. Consider taking genetic testsRelated News | F.

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