
AN aesthetics artist has shared a little-known rule for maximizing the results of each product in your skincare routine. Amish Patel revealed several must-try tips for keeping skin healthy and youthful. He is an award-winning aesthetics practitioner at Intrigue Cosmetic Clinic in Kent, England.

Speaking to The U.S. Sun, he shared daily habits to embrace for enhancing your appearance.

MIRACULOUS MINUTES Patel said it’s important not to overcomplicate skincare routines because it becomes increasingly difficult to stick to them. He said skincare should be “simple but effective” as consistency is necessary to see the benefits. “For daily prep, you need a quality cleanser,” he said.

“I like one with gentle exfoliating properties for my more mature clients as it encourages skin cell shedding, which naturally slows down with age and can result in a dull complexion. “You also need a hydrating serum and a high SPF.” He said evening routines shouldn’t include more than four products.

Most read in Hair & Beauty A “rich moisturizer” should only be applied if your skin needs it. "Layering your skincare in the correct order will ensure that the products are absorbed into your skin and work more effectively,” he said. “Always apply your serum before a moisturizing cream, the thicker the cream, the more of a barrier it can create on the skin.

“Leave at least two minutes between each application to allow the skin to absorb the product. “Otherwise, you are literally wiping money off your face.” Patel said a practitioner can provide personalized advice about the best skincare products and treatments.

However, there is one beauty salon treatment that he would recommend. "A chemical face peel can be beneficial for reducing pigmentation and the appearance of fine lines,” he said. FOOD FOR THOUGHT Patel said a good skincare routine and wearing SPF 50 year-round, should be teamed with a diet rich in superfoods.

“I would always advise including foods rich in vitamin C and amino acids such as tomatoes, strawberries, citrus fruits, peppers, and kiwis,” he said. “Also reduce sugar and alcohol intake, which actively depletes your collagen. “Vitamin C is naturally present in your skin and essential to keeping your skin's elasticity.

Unbroken sleep is best to really benefit your skin by allowing the body uninterrupted time to repair and regenerate. “As we age, collagen products slow down, and the skin loses its tautness and begins to wrinkle and sag. “Still, vitamin C, taken orally and applied topically, can help maintain the collagen you have and protect it from further damage.

” Patel said vitamin C promotes healing but shouldn’t be applied in replacement of wearing SPF. He said amino acids have antioxidant and soothing properties, which help moisturize the skin. “You can find these in meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, quinoa, buckwheat and soybeans,” he said.

SKIN OF DREAMS Patel said eight to nine hours is the “golden number” of quality sleep for rejuvenating skin. READ MORE SUN STORIES “Unbroken sleep is best to really benefit your skin by allowing the body uninterrupted time to repair and regenerate,” he said. “Switch off your digital devices, avoid alcohol, and have a relaxing nighttime routine for your body and mind in order to give yourself the best chance to get a good night's sleep.


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