
A 41-YEAR-OLD woman has revealed the two beauty brands she used to transform her skin in her mid-30s. Moon Onyx Starr is often mistaken for being up to a decade younger than her age. Starr, from London, England, is a self-empowerment expert and motivational speaker with thousands of followers on Instagram .

Daily practices combined with a dedicated beauty regime have led to her often being mistaken for being in her 20s. Speaking to The U.S.

Sun, she revealed the secret to her youthful appearance. Starr admits that she didn’t know much about skincare growing up and it wasn’t until her mid-30s that she began to expand her knowledge. “I was only using the basics, a face wash, toner, and moisturizer,” she said.

“I later learned about hyaluronic acid, rose hip oil, and serums with active ingredients. “In my mid-30s I switched to Herbivore Botanicals and Dr Roebuck and my skin texture completely transformed. “These products and serums with active plant-derived ingredients naturally exfoliated the skin and the texture of my skin completely transformed.

“My skin was smoother and more radiant.” Using effective products has helped to keep her skincare routine relatively simple. “In the morning I will gently wash my face with warm water and will then apply a toner, hyaluronic acid, and moisturizer,” she said.

“Day to day, I refrain from wearing makeup. I wear makeup only for events or on special occasions.” Sunscreen isn’t a staple in her routine, but since her 30s she has avoided sunbathing and sitting in direct sun during the peak hours of 11 am to 3 pm.

“At night, I wash my face with a cleanser then tone and drench my skin in a face oil," she said. "My ethos is less is more." Starr said your wellness regime will also determine how youthful you look and feel.

She drinks at least two to three liters of water daily to flush out toxins, stay hydrated, and energized. Exercise is “number one” in a holistic approach to anti-aging, so she has challenged herself to move her body daily for 30 minutes over 77 days. “Weight training is a must for longevity and I also practice yoga which has been transformative,” she said.

Moon Onyx Starr said the effects of what she eats show “immediately” on her skin, so she strictly follows a whole-food plant-based diet. “I have cut down on wheat and gluten and replaced them with whole grains,” she said. “I ensure that I incorporate enough fruits and vegetables into my diet daily, and I have also been on a mission to reduce my sugar intake.

“If I eat too much sugar, fried, processed, or junk food, my skin will break out. “Eating a cleaner, whole food plant-based diet and ample fruits and veggies helps my skin to glow and look youthful.” “Weight lifting has helped me keep my skin and body tighter and the more muscle you build, the easier it is to burn fat.

“Not only does yoga help you feel more grounded and at peace, but it also helps to improve your posture, flexibility, and mobility. "Inversions such as headstands can help increase blood circulation, detoxify the body, and boost the lymphatic system.” Spending time in nature also helps her reduce stress for a more “relaxed and refreshed” look.

When it comes to rest, she aims for at least eight hours of sleep per night. “The most important thing is to nurture your mindset and the relationship you have with yourself, daily self-love and gratitude is also transformative,” she added..

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