Jace Yancey, operations and technology manager for Idaho Falls Power and Fiber, has been named as the Utah Municipal Power Systems Member Employee of the Year, according to a press release. “Jace is a dynamic leader that wears a lot of hats and is never afraid to roll up his sleeves to do whatever needs to be done no matter how large or small of a task,” Idaho Falls Power General Manager Bear Prairie said in the release. “In addition to developing and leading the community-owned fiber network Jace supports field staff with the technology that operates our traffic lights in town and optimizes our power distribution system.
” Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems provides wholesale electric services to community-owned power systems in the intermountain west. It presented Yancey’s award during an annual meeting in Salt Lake City on Wednesday. According to the release, Yancey joined Idaho Falls Power in 2000.
He played an “integral role” in constructing the city’s dark fiber network, which gave schools and businesses access to broadband. The release states Yancey also led the effort to build the lit fiber network for all residents to access, which was completed earlier this year as reported by the Post Register . "Whether we realize it or not, everyone living and working in Idaho Falls owes so much to his quiet determination and commitment to doing plain, old fashioned, good, solid work,” Idaho Falls Mayor Rebecca Casper said in the release.
The release states .