
Edna Swart and Reid Stephen welcomed their 'little angel' Astyn into the world on April 19 - but the birth was 'the polar opposite' to what they expected as mum and baby both could've died. The 34-year-old mum from New Zealand told FEMAIL she envisioned a 'beautiful, tranquil natural birth' and despite having an 'easy pregnancy', problems began to surface four days out from labour when the baby flipped on his back. Edna, the founder of skincare brand Ed&i Body, said the gruelling 24-hour labour was excruciating and the traumatic ordeal was difficult to talk about months later.

In hospital it took a turn when Astyn passed meconium - baby poo - which can be dangerous for infants if inhaled and can cause health problems or death in some cases. During labour the baby's heartrate decreased, Edna had an infection, and the umbilical cord wrapped around the baby's neck. Despite doctors' best efforts, an emergency C-section was required and within five minutes Astyn was born.

'It was the most pain I've ever felt. I only had back pain from contractions and no pain in my belly,' she said. 'A lot of people say C-sections are the "easy way" out of childbirth - it's absolutely not.

' New Zealand couple Edna Swart and Reid Stephen had their first son Astyn in April - but their childbirth experience was horrific. Edna, the founder of skincare brand Ed&i Body, said the gruelling 24-hour labour was excruciating and the traumatic ordeal was difficult to talk about months later During labour the baby's heart rate started decreasing, Edna came down with an infection, and the umbilical cord wrapped around the baby's neck. Despite the best from doctors, an emergency C-section was required and within five minutes Astyn was born A doctor was monitoring both Edna and baby every minute to see - and hope - he would flip back into the right position.

But he didn't. 'I had an epidural but I couldn't sleep the whole night. I just laid on my side listening to my baby's heartbeat just.

.. Carina Stathis.

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