2. "When I was little, we got oranges in our stockings. When I was a teenager we got pomegranates, very fancy for us at the time.
" — SomebodyElseAsWell 4. "General Foods International Coffees in the rectangular tins, like Orange Cappuccino or Swiss Mocha. If you had those in your house, you were high-end.
Oh, and I thought Grey Poupon dijon mustard was for rich people in Bentleys." — Few-Boysenberry-7826 6. "Toblerone.
I grew up in the '80s and only got one when someone I knew traveled by airplane, so they must have been very fancy and exotic. Now you can get one anywhere." — johnstonb 8.
"In 1976, I had hummus and falafel for the first time. This Syrian guy taught me to make hummus. My Yankee parents were so skeptical, but it became a staple, and I ate falafel every chance I got.
" — Grouchy-Fix485 10. "Craft beer. Correct that; good beer is what I meant to say.
When I was young in the Southern US, it was Bud, Miller, or PBR. That was it. Literally.
" — Routine_Mine_3019 12. "Shrimp and really any seafood. I buy bags of frozen shrimp as a regular thing now.
We have a shrimp dish once or twice a month. I remember shrimp was a once-a-year maybe thing and only at a restaurant." — MotherofJackals 14.
"Cashews. They used to be really expensive. I remember my grandmother bought a pound every year for Christmas from Fannie May and paid something like $20 around 1970.
That was when the nuts were hand stripped from the fruits in India before automation." — Oldbean98 16. ".